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THOUSANDS of Private Equity potential PARTNERs


only ONE for YOU


In many cases, the management team of a company or financial sponsors see the value in a business that owners do not see.

Therefore each business owner / entrepreneur / manager should always know:

  1. How much is my company currently worth?

  2. Does my current capital structure maximise shareholders’ value creation?

  3. Am I willing to be part of the next LBO on this company?

Weissknight advises management teams:

  • Identifying locked shareholders’ value through an appropriate valuation exercise.

  • Developing an appropriate buy-out strategy that balances the delicate relationship between the management team and the current shareholders.

  • Determining an appropriate valuation to be successful, and the potential deal structure.

  • Negotiating the transaction terms.

  • Managing the appropriate process for raising the equity, debt and mezzanine necessary for the transaction.

  • Guiding the buy-out team through the process.

For more information on our LBO services, please contact us.


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London - Bournemouth - 


Zurich - New-York - Montréal


Call our HQ - UK

 0044 1202 35925


© 2009-2025


Weissknight Corporate Ltd


Weissknight UK Ltd

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