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Innovative Technology


Traditional Head-Hunters are using their personal and company databases to fulfill the need of their clients, most of the time advertising their mandates on specialised websites and selecting the best CVs for their clients.


At Weissknight we believe this process is an old-fashion one, and that new technologies are able to address better the needs of any recruiter / company willing to hire the best talent for their needs.


This is why, we are proud to launch DarkKnight, a proprietary technology acquired, and then developed internally by Weissknight.


It performs web-crawling and data-mining to produce relevant data out of the social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter...), the largest database of people profiles.

  • It is a technical framework created and tailor made for the special need of extracting relevant information out of the social networks using Big-Data technology.

  • Web-crawling is an automated script which browses a database in a methodical and automated way. The goal is to collect relevant data from a large source of information, and in our case the largest one for people search.

  • Data-mining allows automatic extraction and structuring of the data collected.


The use of Big-Data technology is becoming a key way for leading companies to outperform their peers. DarkKnight is a technology used by Weissknight to headhunting services to improve the results delivered to our clients in full transparency.



Our innovative technology

Our search 

clients' profile

Our Executive Search


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Weissknight Corporate Ltd


Weissknight UK Ltd

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